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Sex is evergreen, hot and all things nice. There really aren’t enough words to describe the exhilarating moment of getting intimate with your partner. When lips and bodies touch, there are fireworks and explosions that make you feel like you’re at the top of the world. With love, trust and understanding come intimacy and sex. This extremely intimate act not only gives you and your partner intense pleasure but also help you sleep well, relieve stress and release happy endorphins within the body. And not to forget, burns a ton of calories! With such amazing benefits at hand, why wouldn’t you want to engage in sex every day?

To help you understand, here listed are some reasons why you need to have sex more often;

Boosts Brain Power

Sex increases blood flow everywhere, including your brain. That blood flow includes an extra bump of glucose which you can use as energy. This can be just the jump start you need to get focused and productive in other areas of your busy life. Make it a priority, not an afterthought!

Elevate Your Mood

Sex feels good, but it also elevates your mood and has been shown to reduce depression. Exposure to semen has even been shown to sometimes act as an antidepressant!

Improve Your Memory

Concerned about your memory as you age? Then you’ll be glad to know, sexually active adults have been shown to have better memory than their less frisky counterparts.

Boost Your Confidence

Frequent sexual activity can make you look younger! This is a side effect of the release of estrogen during sex. Intimacy with your partner can also give you a sense of being attractive, desirable, proficient, and confident, which can carry over into other aspects of your life as well.

Satisfy Your Cravings

And not just for THAT. Sex offers the same benefits as sugary comfort foods without any of the bloat!  Pleasure pathways in the brain light up during sex, the same way that they do when enjoying sweet treats.


Relieve Pain

Sore muscles?  Back ache? Even a migraine or the effects of rheumatoid arthritis? Just cuddling can release oxytocin, while sex releases serotonin, endorphins, and phenylethylamine – all hormones that trigger euphoric feelings. Endorphins released during orgasm resemble morphine and have the same feel-good effects by triggering morphine receptors in the brain and effectively relieving pain. That certainly sounds more fun than popping a few pills and calling the doctor in the morning.



Sleep Better 

While it’s a cliche that men pass out right after sex, sex can help women catch a few Z’s too. The brain releases norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, which can trigger the urge to cuddle or pass out. Those endorphins that make you feel great and relieve pain can also relax your mind and body and get you primed for sleep.

Another explanation for why that pillow seems so inviting after an orgasm – the hormone prolactin is released during the Big “O” and prolactin levels are higher when sleeping.  However, keep it low key and slowed down if you’re trying to sleep after, because being highly active can leave you feeling more energetic rather than sleepy.

Get Higher Energy Levels

Wait, what? Didn’t I just tell you that sex can make you sleep better?

All those hormones that are making you feel extra cuddly and euphoric can also pump you up! A shot of glucose into your system after orgasm sharpens brain performance and your body can use it as energy. Busy night coming up?  Try some afternoon delight to get through it.

Boost Your Immunity

People who have sex one to two times a week have three times as much Immunoglobulin A (a major player in the natural antibody game) coursing through their bodies as those who are having no sex, infrequent sex, or even very frequent sex (more than 3 times a week).

So make a point of warming up with your hubby a couple of times a week and the two of you can fight off the common cold together!




Healthy for Your Heart

Sex counts as cardio, making it great for boosting your metabolism, losing weight, and maintaining a healthy heart!

Studies show that your risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke goes down as the frequency of orgasms goes up.  Assuming that you aren’t exceptionally vigorous, a good romp puts your heart in the same position as jogging 4-6 miles an hour.  And like other cardio, exercise between the sheets has the benefits of strengthening muscles and reducing your risk of heart disease and hypertension.

Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

The act of sex can help strengthen your pelvic floor, which has benefits such as less pain during sex and a reduced chance of vaginal prolapse. Intercourse helps build stronger pelvic muscles and increases the production of your vagina’s natural lubrication.

Women who continue to be sexually active after menopause are less likely to have significant vaginal atrophy, which can lead to pain during sex.  Other side effects down under include improved bladder control and reduced incontinence. Oh, and more intense orgasms!

Improve Your Relationship

Sex isn’t called making love for nothing. Consistent, mutual sexual pleasure helps with bonding within a marriage relationship, thanks again to oxytocin. Couples have reported increased relationship satisfaction when they fulfill one another’s sexual desires.

The openness that comes with sharing intimate moments in the marriage bed can carry on into other parts of your spousal relationship thanks to increased levels of trust and intimacy sparked by that magical little hormone.

Eases stress

Being intimate with your partner is of great help when you feel stressed. A hormone that makes you feel good is released when you cuddle, hug, kiss, and have sexual intercourse with someone you are intimate with.


It makes fertilization easier

We know, we know. Duh, right? But for a long time, it was thought that having too much sex could weaken the chances of conception.

In 2016, researchers confirmed that a short period of abstinence, followed by daily sex, maximized the number of sperm during ejaculation. So, for people trying to get pregnant, there’s no such thing as too much “trying” come ovulation time.



The bottom line

It turns out, shagging a few times per week is just what the doctor ordered. There are numerous health benefits for folks of all ages, genders, and orientations.

So, whether you’re trying to stop a headache in its tracks or get solid sleep tonight, the perks of bedroom fun are many. Think of sex as a prescription for good health your mind and body will thank you for it.

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